Our Marketing Consulting Services can help your company market and sell your products or services directly to Management, Quality, Engineering, Manufacturing, Financial, and Purchasing professionals. We have the background and expertise necessary to translate the unique features
and benefits of your product or service into terms your target audience will appreciate and understand.
To help you reach this audience, we can provide:
Innovations PLUS uses the latest developments in computer software technology to quickly translate the information you provide into working conceptual documents, artwork, and media. During the editing stage, we work with you to refine these concepts into complete, concise, and accurate representations of your product or service.
To speed this process, we can accept existing text, line art, graphics, and image files in a wide variety of formats including major CAD file formats. Software used in completing your Project may include:
Note: The above listed product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Final artwork, materials, and media are produced on laser or inkjet printers, laser imagesetters, digital or conventional printing presses, or digital media recorders as required.
Please see our Management Consulting and Quality Consulting pages for additional information on our full range of Consulting Services. And please contact us to discuss your needs for Marketing Consulting Services in detail.
To download the data sheet for consulting services, please click here. (PDF)